時間:2024-02-07 15:45作者:下載吧人氣:19
在本教程中,我們將創建一個了不起的破碎玻璃文字效果。我們將在本教程學習到很多關于混合模式和圖層樣式的效果。實際上,實現玻璃文字效果我們將嘗試使用大量的圖層樣式,這樣能得到比較真實的效果。水平有限,翻譯難免有誤,請有心的朋友給予指出,以方 便更多朋友閱讀。
打開Photoshop,創建一個尺寸為1280 * 800像素的新文件。我們需要給背景一個很好的漸變,使用漸變工具(G),圍繞文件的右下角應用徑向漸變。我用的顏色組合為#2e5b15 – #103533 – #090e13。
Open Photoshop and create a new file with dimensions 1280 x 800 px. We need to give a nice background gradient, so grab the gradient tool(G) and apply a radial gradient centered around bottom right of the document. The color combinations I used are #2e5b15 —- #103533 —- #090e13.
現在使用文字工具(T)輸入你選擇的任何文字,我使用’Trajan Pro’字體輸入了RICHWORKS,這是我最喜歡的字體之一,它能很好的適應很多文字效果。我使用了粗體的文本樣式,顏色設置為#41a993,不要忘記改變圖層面板上填充的不透明度為50%,這樣做是為了獲取文本的初始透明度。此外,更改填充的透明度不影響圖層樣式的外觀。
Now, using the TEXT TOOL (T), type any word of your choice. I typed RICHWORKS using the font ‘Trajan Pro’ . This infact, is one of my favorite font and adapts well to a lot of text effects. I used a bold font style with the text color set to #41a993. Don’t forget to change the Fill opacity in the layers palette to 50%, this is done to get the initial transparency to the text. Also, changing the Fill opacity does not affect the appearance of the Layer styles.
Rasterize the Text layer in the Layers palette and double click on the text layer to open the layer styles window. Now, it is all about experimenting. After doing some meddling with the values, I finally decided to stick to the following settings. Apply the layer styles as shown below.
INNER SHADOW — color #aee8dc
INNER GLOW — color #9ed3c9
STROKE — #65a49b
Now, the glass effect is ready. Try experimenting with the transparency of each layer style individually to get the desired effect u need. The final image should look something like the one below:
Now comes the shattering of the Glass. This is the most interesting and awesome part of this tutorial. We get to do a lot of stuff depending on our imagination here. OK, First select the LASSO TOOL (L) and make sure the selection type is ‘ADD TO SELECTION’. Follow the image for reference.
Now, start selecting parts of the first letter. This can be achieved by pressing the mouse button at one end of the letter and scratching a few times to the other end(just like you do using a pencil). Use the image below for reference.
現在對所有其他字母這樣做。確保劃痕非常接近,彼此離得不遠,因為大塊的破壞文本是不可取的。如果有錯誤,就按CTRL + D移除選區,可以重新開始。你可以按下圖操作。
Now do this for all the other letters as well. Make sure the scratches are very near to each other and not far away because this will shatter huge chunks of the text which is not desirable. If anything goes wrong, just press CTRL + D to remove the selection and you can start afresh. Finally, you should be getting something like the image below:
Now, pressing CTRL (or Command in MAC) hover across any selection until the a SCISSOR appears on the cursor. This will cut the selected parts of the image and you can move it around. So, Using CTRL, move the selected image slightly up so that the final image ends up something like the one below:
Now, we are half way through. Let us add a bit more realism to the above text. Using the MAGIC WAND TOOL(W) click on any broken piece of the first letter so that a selection appears across it as shown below:
按Ctrl + T使用轉換工具,能夠操縱選定圖像的大小和方向。
Press CTRL + T to enable the transform tool to be able to manipulate the size and direction of the selected image.
Now, rotate it a little bit holding CTRL (for smoother rotation) and you can also shift the position. Now do this for more of such pieces. The more you do, the better it looks. Here is what I did :
現在,使用他們的STAR BRUSHES筆刷。把它們導入到Photoshop中。在文本層上方創建一個新層,前景色為白色,使用其中一個星星筆刷,在一些碎片的邊緣單擊。參考下圖。嘗試在不同地方使用不同的筆刷。
Now head over to Brusheezy and grab their STAR BRUSHES. Now import them into Photoshop. Create a new layer above the text layer and with White as foreground color and using one of those star brushes, click on the edges of certain pieces. use the following image for reference. Try different brushes at different places.