時間:2024-02-19 08:15作者:下載吧人氣:27
Creating still-life objects inPhotoshop is often great practice for learning how to create other objects. Intoday’s tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a realistic-looking paintbrush using layer styles, clipping masks, andthe not-so-commonly-used blend if sliders. Let’s get started!
Step 1
Create a new document (2400px x2175 px). Sketch out a scene of a paintbrush.
(創建一個新的文檔(2400px x 2175px),勾畫一個漆刷的場景。)
Step 2
This step is optional, but I’veadded some additional visual guides to help me draw the bristles.
Step 3
Before we start drawingbristles, create a New Group called “Bristles.” Inside this group, create alayer called “Bristles” and add the following Layer Style.
(在我們開始繪制刷毛前,先創建一個新組命名為“Bristles” 。在這個組里,創建一個名為“Bristles”的圖層,并添加下面的圖層樣式。)
Step 4
Duplicate the empty layer 5times. Since we are making a lot of bristles, we are going to be drawing themon five separate layers. If we tried to draw them all on one layer, the strokeswould blend together and ruin the layer style that’s applied. Select thebottom-most layer in the “Bristles” group and, with a small brush, startdrawing lines using the guides and sketch as references.
Step 5
Continue drawing bristles onthe remaining four layers, adding some variation and stray bristles as you go.Feel free to add more layers as you see necessary.
Step 6
When you’re done, you’ll notice there are still several gaps in thebrush. To fix this, create a new layer called “Black out” below the “Bristles”group and paint in a dark gray color (#1B1919) to fill all gaps.
(當你完成了,你將會看到在刷子上仍然有一些個別的間隙。為了解決這個問題,在“Bristles”組下創建一個名為“Black out”的圖層,然后用深灰色(#1B1919)填補所有的間隙。)
Step 7
Now, we can add the paint on top of the bristles. Create a New Groupcalled “Outside Paint” above the “Bristles” group and use the brush tool to addanother blob of the same color to the tip of the brush. Use the same techniquewith the Smudge Tool to push the color on to random bristles.
Step 8
To create the effect that thebristles have ‘taken’ the paint, use the Smudge Tool, set to 100%, to push thepaint on to random bristles.
(為了制造出刷毛完全吸收油漆顏料的效果,使用涂抹工具,設置為100% ,隨意的拖動刷毛。)
Step 9
Now, we can add the paint ontop of the bristles. Create a New Group called “Outside Paint” above the“Bristles” group and use the brush tool to add another blob of the same colorto the tip of the brush. Use the same technique with the Smudge Tool to pushthe color on to random bristles.
Step 10
To give the paint some variation, add the following Layer Styles. As anoptional step, you can use the Eraser Tool (E) set to 1 px to erase lines fromthe paint. This will give the illusion that some bristles are showing throughthe paint
(為了讓油漆有一些變化,增加下面的圖層樣式。作為一個可選擇的步驟,你可以使用橡皮擦工具(E),設置為1px 的擦除線。這樣將會有一種刷毛浸透油漆的感覺
Step 11
Next, we want to merge thelayer effects to that layer. To do this, Right + Click on the “Paint” layer andchoose “Create Layers” (this will convert the layer styles in to their ownlayers). Now, just select all the new “Paint” layers and merge (Command/Ctrl +E).
Paint”Create Layers.PaintCommand/ Ctrl+E.)
Step 12
Next we are going to add the streak of paint. Create a New Layer called“Streak.” Use the Brush Tool to add a streak of paint using the same color ofpaint that is on the bristles.
Step 13
Next we are going to add thestreak of paint. Create a New Layer called “Streak.” Use the Brush Tool to adda streak of paint using the same color of paint that is on the bristles.
Step 14
Use the Dodge and Burn Tools toadd some subtle variation to the streak. When you’re done, merge this layerwith the “Paint” layer. Rename the layer to “Paint.”
Step 15
Now, we are going to give thepaint that wet look. To start, create a New Layer called “Highlights 1″ andmake this a clipping layer (use Alt + Click on the Layers Panel).
現在,我們要給油漆濕感,新建一個名為“Highlights 1” 圖層,制作一個剪切層(在圖層板上使用Alt+單擊 )
Step 16
Now, draw in some white highlights as shown. Set this layer’sopacity to 11%
Step 17
Open the layer’s Layer Styles and adjust the “Blend If: UnderlyingLayer” sliders as shown
(打開這個圖層的圖層樣式,調節“混合顏色帶”滑標如圖所示. )
Step 18
Next, we are going to do thesame with a darker color. Create a new clipping layer called “Lowlights” anduse a darker red to paint in some lowlights.
Step 19
Set the “Lowlights” layer’sopacity to 72% and open the Layer Styles to adjust the Blend If sliders asshown.
Step 20
We can keep using thistechnique of adding highlights and adjusting its Blend If sliders to completethe ‘wet’ look of paint (I used this technique to add 3 more highlights).(我們可以用同樣的手法添加“highlights”,調節它的“混合顏色帶“滑標來完成油漆的濕感(我用這個方法添加了3個以上的“highlights”.)
Step 21
Now that the bristles and paintare done, we can create the rest of the brush. Hide all layers associated withthe paint and bristles. Next, create a New Group called “Handle”. Inside thatgroup, create 2 new groups called “Metal” and “Grip”.
(現在刷毛和油漆已經完成,我們可以創建毛刷的其他部分。隱藏所有有關刷子和刷毛的圖層。接下來,新建一個組名為“Handle”。在這個組里,新建2個組,分別命名為“Metal”and “ Grip”.)
Step 22
In the “Metal” group, create aNew Layer called “Metal Band.” Using the sketch as a guide, create the shape ofthe metal band that holds the bristles in place. I found it easier to createthe brush’s handle upright. It may help to go back to the sketch and create acopy to rotate it so that the brush is standing up.
(在“Metal”組里,新建一個圖層名為“Metal Band”。以草圖為參考,創建能包住刷毛的金屬帶。我覺得創建一個垂直的刷柄很容易。它可以幫助回到草圖,並創建一個副本,旋轉,這樣的刷子就能豎起來。)
Step 23
Create a New Layer called “Bevels” and draw in some bevels. You can usethe Pen Tool if you wish, but I just used the Brush Tool.
Step 24
Use the “Bevels” layer to makea selection (Command/Ctrl + Click the thumbnail). Use this selection to Cut(Command/Ctrl + X) the “Metal Band” layer. Also cut out some holes for rivets.All of these cuts will give us more edges for the Bevel and Emboss effect inthe next step.
(使用“Bevels“圖層作一個選項(Ctrl +點擊縮略圖)。使用此選項來剪切(/按Ctrl+X)的“Metal Band” 圖層。也削減了一些鉚釘孔。在下一個步驟中,我們將給予所有這些切圖更多的邊的斜面和浮雕效果)
Step 25
Add the following Layer Stylesto the “Metal Band” layer
給“Metal Band”圖層添加下面的圖層樣式,
Next, add the following layerstyles to the “Bevels” layer.
The result should resemble theimage below
( 結果圖像應該是類似下面如圖所示的效果.)
Step 26
Next, create a New Layer called“Rivets.” Add a small circle at each opening on the metal band and add thefollowing layer styles.
The image should resemble thefollowing
Step 27
Now, to make the next few steps easier, merge the “Rivets” and“Bevel” layers together. Next, merge the layer styles to the “Metal Band”layer.
(現在,接下來的幾個步驟容易些,合并“Rivet“和”Bevel“圖層到一起。接著,合并“Metal Band”圖層)。
Step 28
Create a New Layer called “Reflections” and make this a clipping layerto the “Metal Band” layer. Use a dark color to draw in several lines to createthe illusion of a reflection.
新建一個圖層名為“Reflections”,并做個剪切圖層到“Metal Band”圖層.用深色畫幾條線,創造出一種映像效果。
Step 29
Create another clipping layer called “Highlights 1.” Using a lightercolor, draw in some highlights as shown. Use the Burn Tool to give the colorsome variation and the Blur Tool to soften some of the highlights.
(建一個名為“Highlight 1.”的剪切層,用較淡的顏色,畫一些亮點,如圖所示。用“加深”工具使一些顏色變化,用“模糊”工具使一些亮點柔和。)
Step 30
Create another clipping layer called “Highlights 2″ and using thesame techniques from the previous step, add some additional highlights.
(建一個名為“Highlight 2.”的剪切層,與之前的步驟一樣,用同樣的手法添加一些額外的亮點。)
Your image should resemble the following
Step 31
Now that we’ve added reflections and highlights as clipping layersto the “Metal Band” layer, we will use the same techniques to add reflectionsand highlights to the bevels. After this is done, add any additional details asyou see fit.
(現在我們已經添加了一些映像和亮點在“Metal Band”內的剪切層上 ,我們將用同樣的方法在斜面“Bevels”上添加一些映像和亮點。這個做完以后,你可以增加一些你認為合適的額外細節。)
Step 32
Create a New Layer called “Grip” inside the previously created“Grip” group. Draw the shape of a brush handle and fill with black. Give thissome noise (Filter > Noise > Add Noise) with a setting of 10%.
Step 33
Before we finish the grip, rotate and skew the “Handle” group in toposition in our scene. Unhide the “Sketch” and “Bristles” group to help withthe positioning.
Step 34
Now, we are going to start texturing the grip. We will do this witha series of clipping layers. Create a new clipping layer to the “Grip” layerand, using a soft brush, paint a portion of it white (see image below). Setthis layer’s opacity to 3%.
Step 35
On a new clipping layer, draw a thinner highlight on the grip.Change the opacity to 23%. Open the Layer Styles and adjust the layer’s BlendIf sliders as shown (this will break up the highlight so it doesn’t appearunnaturally smooth).
Step 36
I want to add some scratches to the bush’s handle for some addedrealism. To do this, open a new document and make a thin brush stoke. Selectthe stroke and go to Edit > Define Brush Preset to make it into a brush.
Step 37
Open your Brush Panel and adjust the settings to give the new brush variable size and scatter.
Step 38
Back to the main document, on an new clipping layer, use the scratchesbrush we just created to draw black scratches on the grip.
Step 39
Create another clipping layer and add a few more scratches, thistime in white. Adjust the opacity of both layers so the scratches are barelyvisible (darker monitors might have trouble picking this up). Your image shouldresemble the following:
Step 40
As an optional step, you can go in to the “Metal Band” layer and usethe same scratches brush to add scratches to the metal.
作為一個可選擇的步驟,你可以去“Metal Band”圖層,并用同樣的手法在金屬上添加一些劃痕。
Step 41
Back in the “Handle” group, on a new clipping layer, use the BrushTool to paint a soft highlight as shown (make sure you are not using theScratches brush). Change the Blend If settings as shown and change its opacityto 80%.
Step 42
On an new clipping layer, create another, thinner highlight on topof the last one. Adjust the Blend If settings similar to the last layer we didand change the Opacity to 12%.在一個新的剪切層上,在頂部創建另一個高光亮點,并12%
Step 43
On a new clipping layer, create an oval and fill it with white.Rotate it in to perspective and add a layer mask to erase part of the bottom ofthe oval. Adjust the Blend If slider and set its Blending Mode to Overlay.
Step 44
Use a Brush Tool to add a bit of a highlight on the bevel. Use theBlur Tool to soften the highlight.
Step 45
Lastly, we can go back through the image to add some detail or makeminor adjustments.
Step 46
Unhide all the working layers and you’re finished. If you want to,you can use the original “Grip” layer to add different textures. In this case,I’ve added a faux wood finish using a texture I’ve already created usingPhotoshop.